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*Additional filtering

You can exclude specific populations from the differential expression using the following filters. Note that by default, all populations are kept.

Additional notes

- If Group 2 is left blank, Group 1 will be compared to all the other cells. - Results are displayed in the Results Table tab. - Calculation usually takes < 2 minutes. - We use t.test for differential expression testing, implemented in Seurat's findMarker() function. - Genes not detected in at least 25% of either of the two groups are removed. - Genes showing less than 25% difference in the fraction of detection between the two groups are excluded.

Results legend:

avg_logFC: log fold-chage of the average expression between the two groups. Positive values indicate that the gene is more highly expressed in the first group. pct.1: percentage of cells where the gene is detected in the first group. pct.2: percentage of cells where the gene is detected in the second group. p_val_adj: adjusted p-value, based on bonferroni correction, using all genes in the dataset. Source: Seurat's documentation